Photo Album of Henry H. Boekeloo and his descendants
Photo Album of Henry H. Boekeloo and his descendants
In this photo album you 'll find photos from Henry Hendriks Boekeloo (1838-1906) and his wife Cornelia P. Naber (1837-1909) and from their descendants. In 1854 Henry - his orginal Dutch name was Henderikus - immigrated with most members of his parental family into the USA and settled in Kalamazoo, Michigan.

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George Boekeloo (#164)
George Boekeloo (#164) 
Picture from September 1916 with George Boekeloo at the age of 16 (with his buddies Erv Slesdet and Al & Harm Damm). From April 1910 is a picture of Frances' older sister Evelyn Caminsky. Next pictures are also from the family-album of George and Frances (chronological): George at his weddingday at September 18, 1920, his sons Ken (age 4) and Dick (age 1) at Dick's first birthday in June 1925, son Dick (age 3) in June 1927, Frances in October 1927, a familyphoto from April 1929, the children Ken and Dick about 1933, some pictures of George and Frances in the period 1930-1945 (1 - 2 - 3 - 4), two pictures from 1936 showing George and Frances and a picture of Frances in September 1945. George and Frances lived for many years in this house at 1302 Howland Ave. Howland Ave is in Millwood, a suburb of Kalamazoo- MI. John H. Boekeloo (nr. 79) built the home in 1920 for his son George his wife Frances Boekeloo. They lived there until the late 1940's, at which time they moved to the East-side of Kalamazoo-MI. Ken and Dick were born and raised in this home.